Fylde ARG member Dave seems to have a knack for sniffing out Great Crested Newts at the moment. These two beauties were found by accident; after taking a local naturalist to see a new colony of Bee Orchids he decided, on a whim, to have a quick peek under a nearby sheet of ply-wood. Last week the sheet had a two Smooth Newts, one with a very pale Palmate Newt-like chin. Today there were these two and several Toads along with a couple of yearling Frogs under it.
You can record any sightings of amphibians and reptiles in the Fylde on the South Lancashire ARG website (linked in side bar) or email us directly and we can forward them for you - all records are important ; we know more about the distribution and numbers of the rare Great Crested Newt than we do of the much more commonplace Frogs, Toads and Smooth Newts, records of reptiles are particularly welcome as there are so few in Fylde.
Members of FARG will be attending the Civic Trust event in Blackpool town centre (St John's Square, or indoors at the Winter Gardens if weather poor) next Saturday, 2nd July. Please drop by and say hello if you can.
Members of FARG will be attending the Civic Trust event in Blackpool town centre (St John's Square, or indoors at the Winter Gardens if weather poor) next Saturday, 2nd July. Please drop by and say hello if you can.