News just in from member Ray is that he has seen his first amphibians of the year.
Namely two Toads risking life and limb crossing the road and a female Smooth Newt he spotted in the bottom of a nearby ditch.
A 2 year old Frog was seen at a different site the previous day.
A 2 year old Frog was seen at a different site the previous day.
Please start reporting your Fylde amphibian sightings as you find them, and any reptiles too but they might not be out for a few more weeks yet.
We need your name, the species (or a photo if you're not sure; for female newts gently wrangle them so that we can see the underside of their chin, for the males a good picture of their back feet is useful), the location and the date you saw it/them.
Records from garden ponds a very welcome.
Thank you.